screen 간의 복사및 붙여 넣기
C-a [
C-a C-[
C-a esc (copy) Enter copy/scrollback mode.
C-a ] (paste .) Write the contents of the paste buffer to the stdin queue of the current window.
Enter copy/scrollback mode. This allows you to copy text from the current window and its history into the paste buffer. In this mode a vi-like
‘full screen
editor’ is active:
Movement keys:
h, j, k, l move the cursor line by line or column by column.
0, ^ and $ move to the leftmost column, to the first or last non-whitespace character on the line.
H, M and L move the cursor to the leftmost column of the top, center or bottom line of the window.
+ and - positions one line up and down.
G moves to the specified absolute line (default: end of buffer).
| moves to the specified absolute column.
w, b, e move the cursor word by word.
B, E move the cursor WORD by WORD (as in vi).
C-u and C-d scroll the display up/down by the specified amount of lines while preserving the cursor position. (Default: half screen-full).
C-b and C-f scroll the display up/down a full screen.
g moves to the beginning of the buffer.
% jumps to the specified percentage of the buffer.
만약 붙여넣기시 리턴값이 제대로 처리되지 못한다면
- Command: crlf [state]
- (none)
This affects the copying of text regions with the C-a [ command. If it is set to `on', lines will be separated by the two character sequence `CR'/`LF'. Otherwise only `LF' is used.crlf
is off by default. When no parameter is given, the state is toggled.
리눅스에서는 .screenrc 파일에 crlf off
crlf off 가 기본이라고 하는데 나는 왜 ㅡ_ㅡ;;