
HTTPS/SSL Tunneling and Proxy Server

November 14, 2008 – 10:29 pm by coachwei | Category WebDev |

HTTPS Tunneling, also called HTTPS Proxy, SSL proxy, or SSL tunneling, refers to sending HTTPS content via a proxy server. This is a very common usage scenario over the web.

Unfortunately, I have not found any Java server that supports this yet. Tomcat chokes up quickly if you tunnel HTTPS messages (tried both Tomcat 5.x and 6.x). Other Java servers don’t even come close. Jetty is the furthest and closest to supporting it. Greg Wilkins even wrote two examples showing Jetty’s proxy support (ProxyServlet and AsyncProxyServlet, though both of them only partially work when I tried to run them on on Jetty 6.x and Jetty 7.x).

The main problem for all these servers is that they do not support HTTP Connect. We all know HTTP GET, and HTTP POST, and all servers support these common HTTP methods beautifully, except for HTTP Connect.

The problem with HTTP connect are two folds:

  1. Most servers simply fail at even parsing an HTTP connect request, except for Jetty, let alone anything else.

  2. Jetty can parse HTTP connect request (semi) successfully, but it does not seem to enable any further processing of HTTP connect request (such as reading from the request’s inputstream);

Problem No.1 is that HTTP connect request looks very different from other HTTP requests, and most servers do not take HTTP connect requests into consideration. When the browser is initiating an HTTPS connection via a proxy server, the browser will send the following request to a proxy server:

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20080829 Firefox/
Proxy-Connection: keep-alive

In contrast, a typical HTTP request would look like:

GET /a/b/c.html HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20080829 Firefox/

Problem No.2 is that HTTP Connect requires a two-step handling. After sending out this request header, the browser will “halt” the request and wait to hear back from the network before sending out any content;

The proxy server should respond to the above request by trying to initiating a connection with the remote server ( at port 443 in the above example). If a connection is established successfully, the proxy server should respond to the browser by sending back:

HTTP/1.1 200 Connection Established

Then proxy server should wait. On the other side, once the browser receives “200″ status from the server, the browser will now send the actual HTTPS content to the request connection. Once the proxy server receives the content, it should send such content to the remote server. The remote server will then respond and such response needs to be “copied” back to the browser, which would appear as part of the “HTTP/1.1 200 Connection Established” message shown earlier.

I hope I am missing something here - if you know Jetty server or any other server that works well for HTTPS tunneling, please comment below!

Some useful links for more information on this subject:

Tunneling SSL Through a WWW Proxy,

Implement HTTPS tunneling with JSSE,

Jetty bug tracker “Allow interception of CONNECT method to support proxy impls”,

Jetty ProxyServlet,

[Linker Error] undefined reference to `__cpu_features_init'
tool -> compiler option -> library ( remove all entry )
 ======> C:\Program Files\Dev-Cpp\Lib

[Linker Error] undefined reference to `GetStockObject@4'
#include <wingdi.h>
added command line linker ==> "-lgdi32"



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새로 고침

탭을 스페이스로

===> const 키워드 바로 다음 대상이 상수가 되는데 타입 앞에 있으면 대상체가 상수가 되며 변수명 앞에 있으면 변수만 상수가 된다.

상수 지시 포인터(Pointer to Constant)

const int *pi2=&ar[0];
pi2++;                // 포인터가 다른 대상체를 가리킬 수 있다.
*pi2=0;              // 에러 : 대상체가 상수이므로 변경할 수 없다.

==> 포인터 변수로 선언되었으므로 이 포인터가 가리키는 대상체는 정수형 상수
==> 지시하는 포인터는 바꿀수 있지만, 지시하고 있는 대상은 바꿀수 없다.
지시 하는 곳이 상수 이다.( 가리키는 대상이 상수 )

==> int const *는 const int *와 같은 표현이며 대상체가 상수인데 const의 위치가 직관적이지 않아서 잘 사용되지 않는다.

상수 포인터(Constant Pointer)

int * const pi3=&ar[0];
pi3++;                // 에러 : 포인터가 다른 대상체를 가리킬 수 없다.
*pi3=0;                   // 대상체는 변경할 수 있다.

==> pi3 포인터 변수를 상수로 만든다
==> 가리키는 대상은 바꾸수 있지만 , 지시하는 포인터는 바꿀수 없다.

해당 멤버 함수 안에서는 멤버 변수값을 수정 할수 없다.

int* InvalidConstFunction() const
    // 멤버 변경이므로 compile error
//    m_Member = 0 ;

    // const 한정자가 붙지 않은 멤버 함수 호출이므로 compile error
// 다른곳으로 호출 되어서 멤버변수를 변경할수 있으므로,
  //  ThisMemberFunctionIsNotConst() ;

    // 인자타입에서 포인터가 가리키는 객체에 붙어 있지 않으므로 멤버 변경 가능성 있음 compile error
  //  ThisFuctionChangeParam( &m_Member ) ;

   // return &m_Member ;  // 멤버 포인터를 외부로 노출( 멤버 변경 가능성 있음 ) compile error
    return NULL;

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